any server op prison is the one I notice it most I just believe it is fairer for those who have been bidding to not be out bid at the last second...
um yeah I mentioned bids and really weird al says weird stuff but makes cool songs its just when you have been bidding against someone else its...
firstly no I don't care and weird al yankovich is just a weirdo secondly where is the one word? thirdly what the hell is that about im talking...
and im simply ignoring you from now on
and what your doing is spamming for no reason
if you aint got anything decent to say about the thread stay out of it or I will report you
neither do I stay out of my thread and stop wasting my time
read above fool
if you don't care for it please don't post then
killed by Ringo 24 forget it
im curious is there a guide or anything showing the percentages for the rewards out of the vote crates
well they are the tools and stuff I was looking for thank tubeless sorry I didn't get back earlier vame
just curious what the recipies for the tools and armour are