oh yeah I would like to make it know CypriotMerks and NoobCrew are 2 of the only owners that give 2 hoots if their server runs and make sure it...
lol nah im not saying cyp is better both he and noobcrew run this server and both do a better job than most owners I have seen
same #mineverse4#1server
the post above explains my mood really just call me "The Derp Master" I do it all the time
im trying to find the donor rank info more specifically the kits (I know im useless its right in front of me) can someone help or post the link...
yeah thanks to Cypriot for fixing it (could have let me know but) can you lock this now please so no more gets put up fo whatever reason thanks
I would like to say thank you for restoring my rank on op prison so fast for me :). It took just over a day that's far better than other servers I...
its ok im paitent :)
so do I its been over a day now just hope Cypriot sees my e mail soonish
yeah just gotta wait now
yeah im trying to get cypriot to fix it but its just funny I got /kit supreme in every server but op prison um yeah ok that makes sense
I mean when you look at it is actually kinda funny like im supreme rank in every server but op prison I mean hows that work lol
yeah every time someones plot runs out im not online someone else is though I have seen a couple of times people asking if there is any spare I...
We really need more plots in prison there just isn't enough. Not to mention people who have claimed a plot to not even do anything with it let...
if we can meet up can I get one of your titan kits plz on op prison luv ya 4evav :p
Cypriot can you please check my thread or the support. I don't mean to sound rude I just would like my rank in op so I can get back into it. thanks
yeah titan should be better than god cause your paying almost double for it
tbh I think the owners here are more worried bout their sever than arkham network another server I play on been 2 weeks since it got ddosed still...