Thanks for the information.
It seems as if I can't place passive mobs from spawn eggs. How come?
Your ingame name: PrincessNatalie The offender's ingame name: Dildboy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertised....
Your ingame name: PrincessNatalie The offender's ingame name: VortexPvp96 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertised....
You don't get posts in off topic. D':
Maybe I'll test out survival after the reset.
You joined the forums today. This is your first message. Get to know the community. Good luck.
You just joined as well, get to know the community. :)
No support. Look at other apps. You need more in many areas. "A long time," does not cut it. Also "I'm very active," doesn't either. Good luck...
Use the template.
Good luck!
Don't say your rank.
There will be nick abuse. No.
Hello! :) Welcome to the forums.
Do you need any help? Welcome! :)
Yes! I want to send messages to my friends in color. :)
Thanks for the input. :)
Thank you. :)
I just remembered I deleted all my previous photos. Here's someone that could help. @PopIs_MyLife help could you find a photo please?