Enderkiller1327 rated your post [IMG] Disagree in the thread [Factions] Knash1 [Hacking] [Lack of evidence]. U guys are abusing rating most likely...
Gangsta Proof gangsta rated your post [IMG] Dumb in the thread Thanks to The Moderators. sorry about the comment but you are being kinda dirty...
Today i will be making a currency for me, so i can get to [God], i have played for a long time i was Elite on theman8775 but then i was hacked...
How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: Xrosmage What timezone are you in? (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney What country do you live in?...
I am just wondering in infection if I could get my levels back, I was prestige 10 but I only have proof of me being prestige 8, also I was elite...
hey guys if you know me you might be wondering why i have not been on lately it has because sadly my minecraft account has been hacked i have...
Your ingame name: optic_storm123 The offender's ingame name: Drake_Rox A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:gliding to get to...
Your ingame name: optic_storm123 The offender's ingame name:Battalax A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:gliding to get to...
Your ingame name: optic_storm123 The offender's ingame name: Surferdudekai10 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking to...
Guys its me theman8775 my levels where reset i was level 961 Evidence READ IMPORTANT THE ARROW SIGN NEXT TO MY NAME MEANS PRESTIGE 8 WHICH IS...
Guys i am the best player on infection and today while i logged on all my levels where reset help please regards theman8775 proof i am level 961
i am here to inform you these people have been rating abuse just look http://mineverse.com/threads/knash1-hacking.1795/ People Involed jcreed90...
Hey its theman8775 i am just wondering if u can buy coupons which u can donate with because my mum does not trust using paypal or anything i have...
Guys on kit pvp theres a combat log protection i think we should have one on factions as well because me and laura were on factions and we found a...
I bought a chicken spawner from the shop but when i placed it down it turned into a pig spawner is there some way i can get a chicken spawner
Hey guys its me theman8775 i just wanted to show you guys our factions base[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
I am wondering if u buy a mojang card can u redeem the card and use it on the buycraft website and use it to purchase a donor rank.
Hey guys its theman8775 here just saying hi to all of you who don't know me INFO ABOUT ME AGE: 12 IGN: theman8775 SKYPE: Davis Le GENDER: Male...
Hey just wondering i have been voting or 2 weeks now but the voting has been down i am not being rewarded for voting just wondering when it will...