Allll deeee supports.
Happy Birthday bae
:D <3
^ I already corrected it
o.o How much is 50 euro's in canadian money xD
-cough, cough- *hour -Cough, cough-
Rip you got kicked from the faction on prison
Pile is life, Pile is Love
I loves de Sloth. <3 Forevverrr and always x3
Potatoes are hawt. Just Like you.
Your ingame name: Lapis_Firestar The offender's exact ingame name: Valixta A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Called me a...
There..sorry bout that
Your ingame name: Lapis_Firestar The offender's exact ingame name: NeedyGinger A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Told...
Your forums account name: Lapis_Firestar The offender's forums account name (link to profile): timdenhaag A description of what rule they...
Delta, you need to come on prison like rn and extend your plot
Its fine i guess
Your forums account name: Lapis_Firestar The offender's forums account name (link to profile): There are a few.. UncleUrnesto, Teeeb and...
Yeah, It won't let me connect D: