Map Name: Wild West Created By: Bran_mla , Lochie009 , ProudToBeAussiE , oReject , _Alex_Panda_ , NewbyProduction , Atlas006 , NoobCrew_ , sanhg...
my levels on infection get re-set again so if u have to time to give me my levels back msg me or something
i know I'm banned it says player harassment and it said i was banned at 18:30 but that happens to be when I'm at school and the school wifi doesnt...
How old are you? 16 . < Your in-game name: NoobCrew_ was ISPEP1 What timezone are you in? Mountain What country do you live in? Canada What...
Your ingame name: NoobCrew_ The offender's ingame name: Twerkinglucas A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They swore...
yes i do
Your ingame name: ISPEP1 The offender's ingame name: Mcproster A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: he scammed me...
no i possibly didn't
I lost my rank and money on op prison
4 evidence
Your ingame name: ISPEP1 The offender's ingame name: Creeper81101 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The keep spamming a...
Your ingame name:ISPEP1 The offender's ingame name:msstar7 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:They were scamming common crate...
i haven't been on here for a year I've been playing on it for a year
How old are you? I am 14 right now almost 15 Your in-game name: ISPEP1 What timezone are you in? Mountain standard What country do you live in?...
Your ingame name:ISPEP1 The offender's ingame name: Dragonalyer9786 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:The were swearing a...
Your ingame name: ISPEP1 The offender's ingame name: Diamond_smasher1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:They kill me when i...