I explained what all 3 of you have said already. This post was JUST closed as well... Now reopened -_- ________________________ I was told BY...
(I would also LOVE... for staff to be told... to stop closing posts without having dialog first between the poster and staff.. so that this can be...
Hello. I posted a ban on someone before, and it got immediately denied and shut down for no reason. So, I reported the mods that denied it and...
Yes it is. Let me explain why. #1 They created it for a reason. #2 Since the only option in factions is to claim land already attached to prior...
And if thats not... THIS is... [MEDIA]
Wall hack or glitch abuse. [MEDIA]
I am reposting this because Dyna Mighty is abusing her staff rank by locking my posts without them being addressed, I assume because shes friends...
Hi, this is the second post about these guys hacking, heres the first that got denied...
Thanks, finally some mod support hahah
Please add a cooldown on /f create so that enemies cant simply leave their faction and make a new one every 5 seconds in order to sethome in my...
Ok, I took the time while Ive been waiting and getting attacked by hackers, to list some things. The videos are not in order, but heres by label...
Please watch all 5 videos before responding, they are only 5 minutes long. They are hacking and glitching almost the entire time... Im sure that I...
Please dont delete this post for no reason and no discussion like the other posts ive made.
Hi, I dont know everyones name yet, but youll see in the videos. (update: KILLERPANDA_123, Chronic_Dragon, and ProPvP_Man) First off, NO ONE has...
bump while owner is updating?
I love how people say no support yet when the respond to the thread it bumps it... which is support :p. But to respond... it makes little to no...