HEY It's iiKingSquid, If you did not know Squidy424 Is really Ill! I as his brother put the time and effort to make this!!! Please wish him to get...
Smiiley Is Love Smiiley is Life xD
Thank <3
Inactive Reason: Prep for exams :O
I'm on Infection!
Really active now!!! In game (Infection and forums!!!!)
LOL there is such thing as Anger issues,because I have It also.
Your forums account name: iiKingSquid The offender's forums account name (link to profile): Dbittencourt A description of what rule they broke/how...
Hey Guys I'm Kingsquid and I just want to say I finally have Instagram! :D If want to follow me:iiKingNathan Youtube: iiKing Nate Thank!
No support: New Member,It's not detailed enough, It's way to short Good Luck.
Finally have Instagram xD
"Very short" Ummm about that It's not short
Thanks because he's seriously Ill :(
Man Cyp Is bantz xD
Guys, Squidy424 Is dangerously Ill and It could kill him! :( Show some support and love
Thank!!! But why me?
Thank dude.