Hello It's Squid here, and I wanted to ask you about the Infection maps? Personally I think there OK because there different In there own way, but...
I've used It 7 months... To be honest you doubt everything.
OPPPPS I did not mean 67 months I meant 7 Opps
Dubtrack Name? iiKingSquid How long have you been using Dubtrack? 7 months How active can you be? 4-8 hours daily. I'm always active with...
:( Did not make It
Awseome Dude!
Agree the bot Is stupid LOL Me:@MineverseBot You're a noob" MineverseBot:@iiKingSquid Do you have a question? Ho stupid Is that LMAO
I Know.
Dude why so negitive language towards me by the last setence
Been Inactive for awhile because preping for exams xD
@Smiley Please lock this thread I did not realize
Ok I did not know
Amazing NEWS I just started to upload on my channel (Splatoon contect most) Wanna check my chnnel out It's...
Thank for wishing him to get well! <£
Going to bed early xD
No. But I'm just a boy who gets ahead with his work xD Not a nerd :P Just a Salty Squid. :D
As soon as I hop on Minecraft Mum: "Nathan DO SOME EXAM REVISION!!!!"
<3 Squidy Wish him to get better I'm lost without him
Oh I remember that!!!! Lmao