1.Ringo24 2.crazyroobles 3.hacking [media]
1.Ringo24 2.hollowarn 3.hacking [media]
1.Ringo24 2.iam_a_potato 3.hacking [media]
1.Ringo24 2.Moku8 3.Disrespect&Server Disrespect [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] 1.Ringo24 2.tehbeatles 3.disrespect ;-;[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH]
1.Ringo24 2.xXSweHdXx 3.hacking [media]
1.Ringo24 2.TheHiddenOne143 3.hacking [media]
1.Ringo24 2.Spooky_Ghostex 3. Using a illegal weapon [ATTACH]
1.Ringo24 2.kittycraft3497 3.spamming after I asked her to stop many times ;-; [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1.Ringo24 2. XxGO_RAGE_BroxX & XxIma_MLG_ProxX 3. [media]
1.Ringo24 2.TntHawk5000 3.hacking [media]
1.Ringo24 2.The_Juniors 3.Hacking (sorry about the back ground noise my friend was watching YouTube [media]
1.Ringo24 2.Alyssaax3 3.Disrespect 4. She still should be banned for DDos threats but cause of the 1.8 glitch she got unbanned ;-; [ATTACH]...
1.Ringo24 2.SmokeSkillz 3.rate abuse http://gyazo.com/797bf731eed0a5513b39a62b0ce5b42d http://gyazo.com/59064f775b6eea1b8f7fe7afdcd40922
1.Ringo24 2.jjario 3.spam http://gyazo.com/691bcf2d5840f76e96f5cb81226d5377
1.Ringo24 2.BigTFirst/ThirdG 3.Ban Evaiding http://gyazo.com/f341995e35cc277f7195ae28a3616550
1.Ringo24 2.TwotiedBows 3.Disrespect and racism [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
So I got a new pc for my b-day and when ever I type a server ip in it says "Unknown Host" does anyone know why and how to fix it? Here is what it...
1.Ringo24 2.UniQue_Ghost 3.hacking [media]
ur ingame name:Ringo24 Moderator name: @kitkat6605910 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: profanity in a way ._....