I'm veryh good at pvp
T Just added a few qualities
Thanks. I'll probably rewrite the entire thing to make it longer as some people weren't satisfied
4 :D
Ugly face
mee! :D
260 pages? GG. 1.
I don't understand how people can get 32 votes. Is it an exploit or just a glitch?
Just added a poll where you can show whether you support or not.
Fixed the timezone error. thanks for letting me know :)
Hello Cypriot
Thanks, I'll take a look at these and correct the timezone mistake.
This was a typo, but thanks anyway! :D
Do you do custom forum signatures? If so, how much do they cost?
This would be quite cool to have, not just for practising, but for duelling freinds. +1!
Just added a paragraph. Tell me what you think! :D
I'm about to add more under 'Why do you think you should become a mod'. Thanks
I'm working the problem out :p I'll edit this with the answer You are 24 years old. I don't know if you can do spoilers on this forum so here is...