This is turning into a flame ware and we don't want that. I'm leaving this convo :cool:
Do you mean microsoft?
They're allowed to give kits, but not actually gametypes if you know what I mean
You suggested they can install their own plugins, and do whatever they want with it
No, That's not a full server like you're suggesting.
How come? Someone. please archive this
Giving actual exclusive features to donators is actually prohibited by the EULA.
Just because you're all god ranks. Well guess what. I come from a poor family and I can't afford that stuff.
Exactly. It's also not good to make your IGN the same as your skype username
This would be cool even though I'm not a donator :P
No. simply because it is Donor only. Non donors deserve new features too!
@12323emily @GizzBots Can somebody please archive this application. I'd like to become a little bit more active on the forums, get to know you...
I dont like fishing, so I haven't voted for this. But I didn't vote for not making this a gamemode either
Yes! I watch the pack from time to time
That is one of the ugliest texture packs I've ever seen
1. You just addmitted you use hacks 2. What's the point?
You have an awesome intro! Subbed!
Run a virus check first of all
The community of op prison