Like me "Ban evading". Jk.... your a bro... Support. Don't see you on much... because I never go on.
Haven't seen you much but... From what I have heard you are alright.
Excellent at PvP. You are very nice and honest.
I have seen you a fair bit on the forums and I respect you.
You're really nice. Good person as well.
Well if you're the vamp I think you are then.... You're cool.
I don't, but I will find you, and kill you.
*rates bad spelling* I just want to be noticed :3
Yeah lol
Well I find you nice enough but you un teamed me because I accidentally hit you. But in reality I quit minecraft so your cool.
I am an old player on Mineverse so only experienced players will know me. I quit MC this is just for fun.
KitPvP Is all I played. It used to be The Team that was too cool for names (Members will be listed below) But it broke. Now I would say MCNERD...
Lol.... You just got banned for hacking. Also you have repetitively hacked before so... Nuff said.
Dude. If you really would commit suicide over him judging your mod app (not even being mean to you) you need to get off the computer and get some...
This... 11 year old Thinks HE can DDOS ME. Uhmmm no... Not with my 5 (dedicated) VPN's and...
Oops wrong thread...
This is a good bye not a flame war. I wasn't included in your Ex-team. P.S 8four4 always knew it was you just saying.
Though you may swear, be disrespectful and have your issues... No one is perfect and everyone can improve, I see maturity in your application and...