No. You can't tell the future. I would be more patient and stop being so desperate for Moderator. "not trying to be mean" but you have applied on...
Velcome to ze Soviet Union. Please report to ze Supermod Barracks where you vill reside for le next 4 or 5 yearz. Please be aware zat you are...
No Support.
The movie should've been Super 7. Ugly Not Allowed.
Ryan Lee is honestly Ugly.
Such Attitude.
All I'm saying is that constantly talking about/posting statuses about your application doesn't get you anywhere EDIT: If you can't take...
When did I say I disliked it??
On Average, There are 7 to 9 Moderators on both the Forums and the Server.
Fallout 3 Fan? :)
So Hawt :D
Well, if he wants to post his selfies, it's still considered on topic. Hence the title
How is that an insult?
I look way more better anyways :o :p
Haha. I wouldn't marry a google image :wtf:
More Detail :bitenails: