I'm not sure who you are, did you get a name change? I've seen you a couple times on forums, but I never got to talk to you. Ncc <3 You're...
Thanks bae <3
Thanks <33 https://gyazo.com/c0b48a7ec3e1a11dc6413aae97c30cba Thanks Doc :) Thanks UncleUrnesto :)
Support :)
Merry celebration of aging sequentially! (Happy birthday yo)
He understands that, he is saying that he wants people to not spam the chat. I agree, I feel for Paris, I lived in Paris for 2 months when I was...
Thanks a lot Talia, I won't let ya down ;)
Thanks Janice :) Thank ya Puri <3
Thanks :D
Thanks a lot :)
Do you love me
It doesn't matter how long the app is. No support.
You seem cool, but I've never really seen you in game. I don't really know you. I never talked to you much, but I think you're a nice guy I...
1. Fruit1k 2.Megamudkip8 3. Swearing and bypassing filter 4. https://gyazo.com/59fa4af3811e46196d5c59ba84bb2627,...
1. RamessesXII 2. Megamudkip8 3. Advertising 4 https://gyazo.com/d17229526f21d180b69e7e2e96aace8d
At first I didn't see the white text :P Thanks so much Dark :)
I respect you even though I don't always agree with what you are saying. Sometimes you are needlessly savage, but that's just who you are.