vid dont work, btw i am 100% sure i dont hack ;) i know i dont ask mastertucker ask quad ask idk misspvp bmanvt idk, i dont hack xD
its probrally old because i told pile like 2 months ago that if i hack she can perm ban me, and since then i never used any hacks , i use mods,...
vid aint working brah
video is private ;)
Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: Philip320 /philip320 (idk if its with capital P) A description of what rule they...
if u stand behind it u cant get hit by people
Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: davisabog A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: large slime...
idminecraft188 ;)
my suggestion : buy your own router, dont use the router that gives your whole house internet, just buy one only for your pc, so that u have 100%...
dont u see it? u have 6 MB/second we have like 40 megaBITS/second that is 4MB , so u have pretty nice internet :)
[media] xD try using fraps
fixed ;)
there ya go
Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: Dasyaar A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
so finalfanta your philip too, so u have 3 accs, finalfanta , phlip320 and pilhipK <-- whatever idc i spelled it wrong
xD so whats the reason? lol (mods just close it they are trying for everything i do to get me banned :P)
I am the Viper