Your ingame name: treelegs The offender's ingame name: __slayer__ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They had stone sword...
Have fun beefy
TeamWork What Works TeamWork :P
My ping is 10 >:D
A guy msg me if you wanna team i msged him no and look what he send back.
jcash31 uses the illegal command /bukkit:me and also using inapproriate symbolism picture whatever.
I guess my Top 5 pvperz to me is @Chloyybear4ever @lionbdcraft @DevilOnVacaton @MissPVP and @Oniontacobean
Im your friend :D
Yes minky if sexy means ugly then yes
ok if ur top voter u get mvp not titan
Then how come your a titan?
PhotoShop Me all u want
How old are You? 11 How long have you played Factions before? 5months Have you ever been in a Faction before? Yes Why do you THINK you should be...
Im team with all expept jnix and pvp_forever
Wait TeamOG has bmanvt on it?
Sry man