I want prison money
i love u <3
Support <3
Dont worry i have dyselxia and AdHd your not alone
Do you love me?
Support ily <3
Sorry man no support i feel bad your account got hacked hope you will get it back soon but like everyone says you have been banned quite a few...
Support your a good friend and whenever i skype you i see how mature you try to be even though your just a yr older then me and the details on why... Welcome
Will you go out with me if we take selfies and goto the mall shop and buy starbucks <3
Thanks HipstahBae <3
Actually prince plz <3
ohhhh uhhh member?
Your ingame name?: turdlegs How old Are you?: 12 almost 13 PvP skill from 1-10?: 5 What are you applying for? And why do you wan't to be...
@Pile_of_Butts My favorite Mod @HipsterChick My first ever Wife (divorced the next day) then remarried.
Ily2 <3
Woah nice