My ign: Ta2k15 Their ign: zPurplewizard Rule broken: Hacking Proof: [MEDIA] 1:25- 1:45
My ign: Ta2k15 Their ign: TheTrollMaster Rule broken: Hacking: Kill aura Proof: [MEDIA] 1:58- to end
My ign: Ta2k15 Their ign: BiggyZeus Rule broken: Hacking Proof: [MEDIA]
My ign: Ta2k15 Their ign: Superman215 Rule broken: Hacking Proof: [MEDIA] Kit Pvp 1
My ign: Ta2k15 Their ign: arien2003 Rule broken: Hacking Proof: [MEDIA] and [MEDIA]
My ign: Ta2k15 Their ign: Gamersbrothers_ Rule broken: Hacking Proof: [MEDIA]
My ign: Ta2k15 Their ign: Robbesanto Rule broken: Hacking: Anti KB and Kill Aura Proof: [MEDIA]
My ign: Ta2k15 Their ign: PingSpoof Rule broken: Kill aura Proof: [MEDIA] (1:05- 1:26)
Woah that's weird.. Let me re-upload it, sorry. Edit: Looks like there's something wrong with the recorded file I guess, you can lock it if you...
My ign: Ta2k15 Their ign: Player846 Rule broken: Hacking Proof: [MEDIA]