Joeys_Pepperoni iEziPziSqueezy He was using aura [MEDIA]
Joeys_Pepperoni, AtlasTitus, death threats,
Joeys_Perpperoni, Turk_Murk, Telling me to kill my self
thank you guys/girls so much for the support, if we could get more people see this suggestion i hope the server could add these ideas :P
support [IMG]
yea but might not have to be, i really dont know it will be but to the mods and everyone who helps with factions
thank you my good sir
1). A new spawn, I really think faction spawn is very boring, and i think faction players have disliked the spawn for awhile. I think you should...
no support, titans will be to over powered and would be impossible to kill
you are not wrong about that my good sir, and i also know where you got all of those plugins from ;)
Joeys_Pepperoni, CruddyPalladin22, aura, [MEDIA]
itssniper i really do agree on a ideas, you should also add in to make the spawn bigger if was going to add all of the plugins, so that means more...
Joeys_Pepperoni, ARK_Bacon, Reach, [MEDIA]
you know its true.... and it would have been there faster then that
his name dissapers and he is all the way back in the corner and you didnt even see an epearl
i fixed it
i have always done it like this and it has never been a problem but i will 1 sec
i did ..