Anna why are you stalking me
xXPVPKingsXx we can all agree your a jerk and a lier
xXPVPKingsXx your a terrible person your past Haunts me more than Justin Biebers Fans
Cause your a pervert
Use Optifine to reduce your lag
Ign:Itsluislinan How Long can you be active each day on GTA:2 Hours tops How many kills did you get in GTA: 127 How many deaths?:around 20...
not anymore
[ATTACH] Sweet Victory
Anyways Lets play a little forum game name one thing that you like about the person above of you GOLDEN RULE Don't be Mean :) I Will close this...
Refund all the players who paid / etc make a new rule (fairness) and potato patado
Anyways who agrees on taking on ranks and making it fair for all players of Minecraft :) (P.s) Im VIP
No Support I Don't see you online that much Be More active on the fourms
Couldn't blame them Titan Kits are WAYY To Op Noobcrew / CypriotMerkz Should make it fair for all players #EQUAL RIGHTS
HIOCSquad wont stop intill they are caught soooo this might take a while :shifty:
Why would you pay to win? can't Noobcrew/CypriotMerkz make it a little fair because titans can 1 HIT K.O a normal players d: Doesn't seem legit...
Well.... Everytime i almost kill someone they do /spawn cause they suck at GTA Cause they don't have good gear so i think its fair to those...
If People cann't handle opinions then i want a mod to close this thread to many people raging like little kids @larrythebird101
I Play Sports in the afternoon ._.
@mineverse IS ONLINE