So bassicly i was walking around and just chilling and having fun. Then i met MajesticSlayer55 and i killed him. he started trashtalking me and...
so me and legion_hossin have had a fight and he wont stop ddosing me! it all started with he was gonna buy 20 goldblocks and when i was gonna give...
Just go and apply for my clan!
im already in one! @Wario957
Good app :) Support<3
@CosmicGalaxy32 do i betray? ur the one who betrayed me !
Thx for the advice ! @googlemaster190
Thanks for the info @Fluxninja
@Wario957 thanks
Thanks for the comment @Firo3000 i just fixed the grammar fails :)
Introduction: Welcome to Jakobdragon1's Mod application! Hello. Welcome to my moderator application! U may know me as Jakobdragon1. I currently...
I dont know exactly how long ! @quadcrafters
Denied! @Farid