Proskillz here once again and I had a idea from cypriotmerkz. If you trolled the server how would you troll it? Here we go. Sorry for a bad intro...
Cypriotmerkz your already a admin but I like how your thinking :P thx for answering
Hello Proskillz here, if you can tell by the title how would you uses admin? Type in anything you like to uses if you were admin on mineverse....
Hi, how I found Mineverse was from playing on another server and a Player named decatur100 told me bout mineverse.Soon latter I was playing...
Ask lolaperez she is meh friend
i am innocent
Sorry it sucks I am new to forums I never used a minecraft server forum before xD nooby meh
Dood I don't hack I am innocent
Have fun with this guys
If you were what would you do to help the server a lot? The rules of this are is that you can't say drop parties and free ranks. But you can add...
I like a lot support
Nice photo
Because if I am Correct she will kick everyone