Your ingame name: PandaSkills The offender's exact ingame name: AMegaFLuffyDog A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They used...
I had no clue
oh srrz I will ask to delete then.
Hello! This is for all servers but I think people that got banned should be able to buy unbans as well as appeal! I think that unbans should be...
Boat are you ever coming on? D:
Hello there I am Panda ( PandaSkills ) you may know me as proskillz67. Anyways so in infection the game is not balanced at the moment, humans get...
Your forums account name: Proskillz67 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): I don't know but his In game Ign is) Guude3 A...
What is the link??
No support ( coming from ThePandaSkillsYT ) Reasons: * too much open space that can be used for classrooms lockers etc. * some spots need to be...
Hello I am sorry to say but I messed up may a mod delete this thread plz??
What he said lol
Tysm Chain!!!
Hello I am Proskills67 now known as ThePandaSkillsYT and me and a few friends created a map called Islands ! Helpers/Builders - Ordinateur7 (...
How old are you? 11 Your in-game name: TheSkilledPanda What timezone are you in? Eastern Time Zone (UTC-5:00) What country do you live in? United...
Your ingame name: TheProskillzYT ( Old IGN: proskillz67 ) The offender's exact ingame name: DevonTheFlash A description of what rule they...
Hello I am Oppandaking and i lost my rank on survival can i get it back here is proof [ATTACH]
Sorry about that i will fix it latter