:rage:if u take her I'll take you and kill you :>she's the best thing that ever happened to me XD
shes a bundle of joy and she's SO DANM CUTE I opened the hutch's door and she hopped into my lap <3 fed her cauliflower (Her fave food)
ohh lol sorry XD
she looks like that (just a bit less fat.) type up on google the 33 most important bunny GIFs
ik <3
I just bought a new bunny 3 days ago and shes so cute <3 Her name's Ash
i;m so exited (looks at 4 other posts) whoops I accidentally pressed enter a whole bunch of times! XD
shes 12 weeks and shes so friendly she doesn't bite
I got a new pet bunny, Ash. (shes a black mini lop)
AWW -dies-
I mean, I do it right but it cuts out half of it and says its been modified and read the rules and stuff
umm XD
I guess... still cant get the URL XD
but I cant copy the URL DX sad
ok yay thnx