jarroyonapples your christmas list is basically mine. (but i want alot more)
wow. lol
ever since i got a new bunny i haven't been on the computer. Something like... 3 months. Oh wow only 3 months......:woot:It seems like forever....
:D ik i just remembered and Im back! :DDDdDDD
yay! I forgot how you could reset ur password! Im back :D
i opened a new tab and couldn't log in. i went on my previous tab to change my password and it wasnt correct. my sister may have hacked me but i...
and we let her rome free in the backyard. She noticed thunder and laid flat so i picked her up no struggle. (shes always running away xD) we took...
well we're toilet training her at themoment not too keen on the leash idea. one rabbit heard a noise and tried to get free of the leash and...
i hate it when the door jams...
lol i waited 2 months to get one i almost cried in happines
why u srry XD
You're signature made me really want to play the game. (so I did and I almost died)
then she runs back to the cauliflower...
shes going over to me :D
so cute I wish I could show u a pic :>:>:>:>:>:>:>
-cries- she jumped into my lap <3 NOOO!!! I mean ->I<- died