Guards that are willing to pay all they're time to prison, with head guard permissions? Hmm. Support.
There are way to many servers dedicated to the big name games. Mineverse shouldn't become one of those. Sorry, No support.
This would be great. support!!
Your ingame name: DeezNuts007 The offender's ingame name: EpicViirus A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: EpicViirus scammed...
Hello I was just wanting to tell you that I lost my VIP rank I bought, I lost it in skywars the only thing I play I would love it to come back please
How old are you? 13, 14 in march of next year. Your in-game name: DeezNuts007 What timezone are you in? Midwest, USA What country do you live in?...
Gl vice..
Gl mc
How old are you? 13 almost 14 Your in-game name: DeezNuts007 What timezone are you in? Midwest,USA (not sure what that is) What country do you...