You shall put gooder grammar, and add much more detail into app. Then support. Lol :)
Support bruh!!
No support
No support. Noob Is already giving away MVP keep it while we have it.
Support this is really halpful
Nu support bruh
Hello there, I am here to ask and tell about the skygrid spawn! Ok so. Isn't it getting kinda old? And I like it but its a little small and made...
No support. It could turn to be another thing stupid people use to god damn spam other peak ole with /trade.
Lol. Bruh patience is the key.
/kick /ban /mute. I support this idea I wouldn't want to waste 20$ and if I get demoted idk if I could get it back. Support
No support. Gods and titans have enough as it is for /kit (god/Titan)
I really like this idea, and maybe the team could add multiple maps to kit/op pvp. Support
No support. The "money" idea thing is what the god items are for. Lol people give them out for skin comps already and store for what? It's...
No support.
Yes support most mods are never on and lol.
Ok I agree with /god but fix is just not what skyblock intends. No support
This actually makes sense xD. The op Titan armour is too OP. but it's what they payed 250$ for and stuff. But I guess I support