Never ;-; Did you ever have an imaginary friend? (I did his name was Pablo, like from the backyardagains xD)
anyone play Xbox 360 all the time and has gta v? GT: DafuqKillz007 just tell me you're from MV forums!
Kik anyone? xD
I think premium should at least get eleven slots; although they still payed for they're rank and still higher than an unbanked person but,...
Illuminati confirmed
:o whaa
From the gang called ni**az wit attitude
Well hello fellow person of Mineverse! I would like to create this to inform you of crap you probably don't need to know, or don't care of but...
Supports, I believe in you and your potential level is over 900000
Oh hello
Support, because #mcm <3 (no homo)
Support she is very energetic lol
What more do you want me to put about in whitch statement?
I mean it's not like I swear ALL the time I rarely swear but the people that commented saw I swore alittle.
3, but remade 1st. So 2. I waited almost a month before posting again
You have to follow the template put up by Noob. Lol
How old are you? I am 13 years old. Your in-game name: DeezNuts007 What timezone are you in? central time zone (UTC - 06:00) What country do you...
Support!!! <3