Your ingame name: MorganCraft10 The offender's ingame name: dcw8810 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising....
Your ingame name: MorganCraft10 The offender's ingame name:wonderbeaver A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Advertising...
Your ingame name: MorganCraft10 The offender's ingame name:Adi2009 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Advertising...
Your ingame name:MorganCraft10 The offender's ingame name: squibby77 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Advertising...
Ok well I haven't played prison forever because of this. When I purchased the rank "God" my title "Free-man" was gone. I think this is a glitch...
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone would do a simple youtube banner for me. I would really appreciate it. In fact Ill mention you in one of my...
Your ingame name:MorganCraft10 The offender's ingame name:Rossking913 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking, I was on...
Your ingame name: MorganCraft10 The offender's ingame name: LukasMody A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising a...
Hi Mineverse community :)! I don't play on kitpvp which I know is a popular gamemode. If you would like to try and win $377 kitpvp cash. Please...
This is extremely late but I'm MorganCraft10 and I love Mine verse. I love animals, have a boat and have my own dog named Penny. I live in...
In the chat every once in a while it says "Unable to locate sign". Why in the world is it saying that and how do I fix it? Thanks for reading.
Hi, I was wondering what exactly is going on with this. Is there going to be a Christmas sale? If so how much off? When is it starting? I might be...
Your ingame name: MorganCraft10 The offender's ingame name: ColinFaesje A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using hacked...
I think GTA on Mineverse would be amazing. A lot of people would love to have it including myself. Thanks for reading and considering.
xxELITE waited till after 30 days and said "bump. Here is the evidence below.
Your ingame name: MorganCraft10 The offender's ingame name: quadcrafters A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:disrespect and...
Since @kitkat6605910 made one I thought I should :). All you do is comment tbh and I'll comment as soon as possible what I think about you. Sorry...
Your ingame name:MorganCraft10 The offender's ingame name:bajungahappy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:flying...
We do have kids on this forums page, @PugDaddy. What if a kid saw that and asked his mom about this. Unacceptable.
Who do you think is gonna win the Florida-FSU game? I am rooting for the Florida Gators! CHOMP CHOMP although I do h8 the g8ters so this is temp...