Hi sorry this isn't an issue with mv but idk where else to look for help. Anyway as the title says my mc launcher is not working. I downloaded the...
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/updated-new-the-climber-map-by-ilikeicecream83-staffordjr9-power-tower.44554/#post-445011 <---Click meh
When I was doing it I didn't have anybody against me. Any map would look easy If you had nobody to play against :). Also since I made the map I...
Hi! This is a map for the mini-game the climber by @Ilikeicecream83 and @staffordjr9. This is an updated and improved version of our old map. The...
I like it but for the shop you don't need chests. If this was put in the shops you probably be like the ones in survival or op factions.
Ok because this is just like the regular one
Wait this is exactly like the one we have already.......Why do we need 2 of the same maps?
I shapportz
Good job melgrath u will be da best mod ever
I saw a lot of spelling errors fix those.
We already have a build team it's called Javisor, there's no I in team but there is a me. TEAM
@Yin @canucksfan44 Please close this we are making changes and will make a new thread when we finish
I'm neutral, the lava would cause me to lag and it's really dark in there. But everything else is good. If this was added I probably wouldn't play...
What needs more detail? And how can we add more detail?
What part do you think is too small? I think it's the right size. It doesn't have to be huge
I think you may not have gotten it because you already have a Titan rank. So your Titan rank overpowers the skylord I bet if a non-donor completed...
Support gg
Support to be clear your saying this would be a mini-game right?
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/color-signs-most-servers.37389/ Really?