You forgot you cannot repeat challenges in skyblock anymore
Can you please fix skyblock eggs/spawners on skyblock? Thank You they have been broken since 1.8 update
I think We should be able to see them but not post in them.
@Noobcrew @CypriotMerks plz check dis out is really annoying
I mean original to minecraft. Nobody has ever made a game like this. Sorry I changed it now.
Support but don't tag mods an owner will see it on their own and reply if they like your idea
Hello I thought of a new idea for a Gamemode. I know this will take a lot of work for the owners and stuff but I think it will Be worth it. I was...
Shapport I don't play skywars much but when I do I think skyknihht is sort op
No support
Please fix spawner/spawn eggs in skyblock they don't work :,(
Thanks melgrath I guess I'll just risk it. Also if you get a chance to talk to an owner could you let them know about this bug? Thanks.
hello in skyblock some spawn eggs will not work inside spawners. Instead the egg will just dissapear. Some egg do work though. I bought a sheep...
Fix spawn eggs in skyblock please
:) lol
Agreed Spam is too much. I'm like really? You want a gf on mc? Get a life.
Staff won't tell me anything. Idk what's up. But yeah it's really annoying.
How come you can't use spawn eggs in skyblock? Can you please add them back? :(
/clearwarps <name>
In my old launcher At the top in red it says "You are using an old version of minecraft launcher download the new launder here which doesn't...
I'm pretty sure the new Minecraft launcher does not require Java.