rude i bet i can wreck u in pvp m8
so i have been getting accused of hacking so much and i dont i've been banned for it so i stopped i really love mineverse and i wouldnt want to be...
I am :lol:
Ign Ravineek1 so currently I am elite and I would very much like supreme also Id u would like items or money on any Mineverse servers I would be...
Nobody that I know on Mineverse is atound my age because I'm really young but if I had to pick one it would be @PandaBear__ panda has been very...
U have the razor deathstalker essential and I have the expert same exay keyboard mine has lights an also I looked at prices and expert is only...
Mine has the lights
Omg panda u have The same keyboard as me I got it for Christmas btw it's a razer deathstalker expert and it's amazing
IGN:Ravineek1 rank:Elite Rank i want; god or supreme giving like 800k 20 gapples and like 2 sets of p6 and like 20 creeper eggs
I don't know How to upload it but unrecorded it on bandicam!!
i dont have a youtube
Your ingame name: Ravineek1 The offender's ingame name: SourpatchSpartan A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
@Ringo24 are u doing the upgrade?
it's nice to meet u but umm i've seen u alot on forums but not at all in game?
Bump :>
IGN? Ravineek1 What Rank? Elite to God Are you a Scammer? no i have been scammed but i have never ever scammed in my life What are you going to...
Oh well the last few days I've seen u on alot
I do not hack for the last time I don't want to start another huge fight but I also don't want everybody to think I am a hacker
I support u are very kind and friendly but I play lots of servers and mod of them u play on also but I see u on kitpvp and infection more than op...