@ScoFu13 @PandaBear__ @larrythebird101 @Taylor @HeyitsAlexa @
I will see when I can get back on my computer
so after i said sorta he said "oops" so i think he told some people while i was ofline or something i dont personally hate him or anything im just...
so today i was on mineverse kitpvp and i saw that uncleurnesto was being mean to some people he was like yelling at them and telling them what to...
:bag: I will show u my face over Skype but I'm not putting I picture on here because 1. Idk how to and 2. I don't want people to see me:bag:
Lol boi
Ikr I've played Mineverse for around 8 months and in 1.7 only got forcibly removed by host maybe once or twice but I've played in 1.8 for 1 day...
I think it's server lag or something because I have optifine for 1.8 and I still get 5-10 FPS in around all of the servers my ping is an amazing 9...
my brother AKA @Ravishek1 told me he might be quiting for this reason also so he just wanted me to add him so everyone knows he is also leaving
Ok so today at school im thinking i cant wait to go home im gonna play some mineverse :D so then i go home and i get on mineverse and im in 1.7.10...
We 1v1ed and I rely U and me u and kohl fought hackers together playing with u is fun
I don't think u should be trusted u scammed my friend 90$ irl before its my opinion so everybody take your own risk
Woof xD
Meh pls elite I'm your Kitpvp bud :3
Me flux
Ok :D
Hai :)