Hewo pile
He said he speaks French and English in his app
Hey thanks for tracing my ip your really cool.
You must have a bad computer your lagging without recording get fraps not a phone to record.
You have aimbot I saw you in game with it
I agree he abuses his power he makes up his own rules I don't know where half of them are coming from. Also he doesn't warn people they are...
He put fake in the name....
Your ingame name: gangstallama456 The offender's ingame name: spooky_ghostex A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Auto tool...
You hacked on factions no support and mineverse has only been around for 1 year
Whats your in game name
I know me and had our differences in game and forums but, I'm willing to support if I see you being a good player. I assume your not from the...
Can you check out my report on factions please
So, I bought a plot in prison today for 9k and I can't build in it i'm sure Noobcrew is aware but, could I please have a refund. - gangstallama456...
Hows my number one mod doing?
Your ingame name: gangstallama456 The offender's ingame name: Austin48484848 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: No knockback...
Hey anyone know the use of tnt and creeper eggs on prison?
You get that hacked armor girl
woops lol wrong way around
You shouldn't have unbanned bekillin hes back to his old ways :/
Your ingame name: gangstallama456 The offender's ingame name: xxbekillinxx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: No knockback...