Also I'm not sick I feel good I don't have a runny nose or a fever so I am good.
Also my internet went down as soon as you said I am done with you.
why was he banned?
First off I didn't say gay I said " Daddy and I are boyfriend and boyfriend" also stay out of here your banned on every gamemode on mineverse.
Is the free world out
I don't have perms cant abuse and I can't understand one word you said.
Nope because gay isn't bad at all #daddyabuses
I didn't you applied that and how is gay an insult.
Last question would you have jailed me for saying that your straight? Yeah no so you think gay is an insult apparently.
Punished I had evidence your case of me calling you so called "gay" then wheres your evidence?
hmmm pile is active on every game mode along with prison and she has been guard for what 4 months and you have been guard for 4 days and you...
Ok then if you do your job then why are the only Guard with reports against him?
Incorrect any evidence of me saying this I said daddy and I and boyfriend and boyfriend.
I said I was your boyfriend a joke and what if I said you had a girlfriend that would have been a different story.
Your ingame name: gangstallama456 Moderator name: daddyHF A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He abused his powers he jailed...
Add free world on prison please
Why you quit prison lol
Good day Laura
Daddy turned my support into spam so I'll say it again support