I'm not the one to spend 400$ on pixels
Your an idiot it makes an unfair advantage
Nice hope you get a beacon!
The account should be banned
I was rubbishing through my old screenshots found this one.
Your ingame name: gangstallama456 The offender's ingame name DaddyHF/Hitlerismynigger A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The...
There's no point to rank up
Uhh I'll check my screenshots
I wuv u
Uncle your acting like a 5 year old in a candy store with 20$. Calm down this rank wasn't as much for the commands and stuff you get but the...
Take away the ability to heal other players from them it removes potion affects which is annoying
I don't play anymore but if you buy me it I'll give you all prison gear and a tpa to somewhere special pm me for more details.
Why be happy that you donated 250 for a game of pixels I got god and donated nothing.
The heal thing will get taken out because when you /heal someone it takes away potion affects
I see you put a self portrait up as your forum pic.
Did I come out of your Mom?... No.
Not your bro