Can't you see it says 1drv which means onedrive, onedrive is by Microsoft.
No Support
Anyways if you think it's ip logger you can report and I'll get forum banned
Plus, Linux is a mod, so that means you think I'm a mod? xD
Uhm I don't have alt, to get alt you need to steal someone's /key password in-game. I wouldn't do that.
sorry idk
Guys it's safe, you know Microsoft?!Apg5bWyXBWCDhm8Gnu2Ug9I5257F It's no ip logger
(Op Pvp) Mineverse Rank Upgrade For Alt. Trading 65k xD
Ty for support :)
List of suggestions for mineverse gta: 1. Make different maps 2. Vaults for donors 3. No more sign crashes 4. No more ddosing 5. Lower prices at...
Also not everyone has access to taking screenshots, many nondonors don't know how.
Support, except every donor should have 1 vault, nondonors should have no vaults. (No offence nondonors :cool:)
People stop scamming :cool:
Are you talking to me¿
LOL nice scam. XD everyone knows your trying to scam :cool:
Hello, I would like to give 2 arrows, 1 chainsaw, 2 redstone torches, and 2 sticks in gta for the person that upgrades me to sponsor. Right now I...
mhmh... would I want to trade with a scammer? Yes? or No?
WAIT BillCipher once scammed me a minecraft account for 5 chainsaws and 30 torches. DONT BELIEVE HIM.