xD Boodge100: https://1drv.ms/i/s!Apg5bWyXBWCDhwMPmklPBZNcLkC3
or perm
Change your name NOW
Ok, I understand, you can close thread.
No wait, but what's an example of perm then? Like showing screenshots of person in real life?
Off Topic: If someone says your paswd and email in mineverse minecraft chat is that a month or perm.
Hello, can someone tell me the difference between "Tempban" and "Ban". Just write in comments please.
It's me i_like_torches :)
50 ...
Look at my profile picture :)
?? what do you mean?
Good point.
I think they should've stopped at 1.8.9
I wish there would be more redstone xd :(
Ok here is a picture of a new mob that will come out in minecraft 1.11 Mob Name: Vex Health Points: 14 Attack Strength: Easy: 3, Normal: 4, Hard:...
Uhm... ?