Please just stay away, but don't worry I'll make it all better :)
Flame war starting here maybe a mod can lock this and let a admin deal with it?
But I gotta do it tmr it's late for me not on computer :p
Ok I'll bet 2k u?
U wanna bet?
Ok I'll get u a pic tmr of my 1000k
Man I play all day all night I have like 100000000k
I agree with pvpgurl I never see her on :/ Iv been on the forms for like 5 days stigjr OMG spelling! Sorry for posting here
1. Because you didn't support me I don't know why you would think I would support you and 2. More info ;) good luck
No support, more info why you want to become mod and your a bit rude to me ingame sometimes! Not always :p
No support. :D
Support!!!! All deh wayZzzwayZzz
Ok max you can do this you don't need help its a easy report you just have to watch a few parts over 2:00 for krishy 2:30 for pvp warlord And 3:00...
1. CaptainXgamer15 2. adam03020, XxXBoTaXxX, MashtaKilla, Elvinar, P3rson221, Krishy10, PvPWarLord_jr, KarimOmar, Clouds01, 3. Kill aura/ Fast bow...
And it wasn't one thing it has been a lot of reasons #1 being mods not all some of them
Well if I quiit that doesn't really matter xD
No I'm just telling people I'm not going to be on for a few days or never.
You don't even know who I am....
Wow well 7 to 6 so far :/
What's river and really pvp girl?