sorry i am not doing banners for free xP if you would like one u can add me on skype
once you start doing alot of icons etc u get very fast xD i can do a banner under 40 mins
i will do your tmr! i gtg now
[ATTACH] there you go uncle! enjoy!
[ATTACH] there you go!
ill get started on it! And is ur last name "Walton" like irl
[ATTACH] There you go good sir! enjoy xxElite
I AM DONE DOING ICONS!!! SORRY i am making icons what ever u want ill do i guess. lol, profile pic wise! here's my website so you can see what i...
i like stuff ;3
i can do a better job. it helps to have photoshop it would look alot better if u used photoshop
what do u do to remove the white area from for the hat? xD
can i cry now?
i feel bad for these poor people getting these icons ;-;
Your ingame name: CaptainXgamer15 The offender's ingame name: TheSlayer572 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertizing...
My name: CaptainXgamer15 Offenders name: Kenneth2401 Rule they broke: Advertizing Edvince: Screenshot
Well let me start :3 You are above spawn there for your ping will be low. i have proof of me not hacking :D And it was fun beating u really bad ;)
No support, sorry u need more info and it always helps to go by the regalar format :p
here more proof
Support all the way!