Player r2boltFire Used tnt cannon At spawn. killing people. Here's an image on him holding it. Thanks.
Player LordShiaLebouf Used Tnt Cannon at Spawn. And killed lots of people, trying to survive. Here's an image of him using it. Thanks.
Some Blocks at the Portal are Broke. And you can just Fall and die there. Here's an image. Thanks.
Player Jishwan Used Tnt Cannon And Tried to Kill me. while she tried, She killed other People. Alot of them. Btw, How much time the ban? Here's...
OMG You from Cadia right!?!?!
why? btw its you're* :)
Have an Awesome Day! :3
Have an Awesome day :3
Hello, I think I got enough in game money to make a deal with you fabulous people. I would like to get an Premium Rank. And i'll pay you 500k...
Player xIceBlade using Kill aura, Anti Knockback, No fall etc. He even using /kit skyknight so He can win with his hacks. Please check him out....
Player xElectricArrow Used /shop And bought Tnt cannon and Killed afk players/And Players. Here's a image of him Holding the Tnt cannon.
Player RealH2ODelirious Used /shop and bougth Tnt Cannon at spawn. He killed everyone. And He talled me, that if he give me money, I not...
Player SparrowFTW Used /shop At spawn and killed players. Here is a image of him using the tnt cannon.
XxBlackShadowXx (Elite rank) Spam in chat this: "every god SUCKS" ... That insulted the gods, and he spammed it like hell. Please ban him, heres...
EdgarsFarts Is a fly hacker, He built a bridge to middle, I Epearl to his island, then I hit him with my diamond sword, and he fell off, But then...