I remeber you from cadia craft :3
You should add YT rank to the server, so youtubers with a lot of subs can enjoy their rank and make videos on MV. :p
Player xSakura_ used tnt cannon at spawn. Here's an image of her holding it. Thanks, have a good day.
player wwplgamer used tnt canno at spawn. And saying I did this! and saying "omg wtf who did this" It was annoying af, and he was still lying and...
I didnt, the reporter lied.
Player iWhit3Shad0wYT Used /shop : to buy tnt cannon. Here's an image of him using it, Thanks. Have an awesome day :3
Distinctiqn used tnt cannon at spawn. heres an image of him using it. thanks
WeeklyNews used tnt cannon at spawn. here's an image of her using it. Thanks
Mushy_Bat used tnt cannon at spawn. here's an image of him holding it. thanks
Luchandureze used tnt cannon at spawn. here's an image of him holding it. thanks
The_Sneky_Ninja used tnt cannon at spawn. here's an image of him holding it. Thanks
Juniyuni used tnt cannon at spawn. here's an image of her holding it. Thanks
Player raymondoman used tnt cannon at spawn. And killed me like 10 times. Here's an image of him using it. Thanks have an awesome day :D
Player Spyripper Used tnt canmon. At spawn. Here's an image of him using it. Thanks have an awesome day fab people :3
Player dylanO0505... Just open this so you can see what he said. https://gyazo.com/ac0da73a95e5412637eaa41dabc39bc4 Idk if its a ban, but its...
Player SuperSoccerCreep used tnt canno at spawn. Killed peolpe. Here's an image of him holding it. Thanks have an awesome day.
Player jubuscs Used tnt cannon. Killed peolpe, and me like 8 times.. Here's an image of him holding it. Thanks Have a good day fab people
Player Creeperboy1161 flew in skywars. Used Jesus hack, I think that was that. He just flew on water. Here's an image of him prooving he flew....
Player LordShlaLebouf used tnt cannon at spawn. Here's an image of him using it. Thanks.
Player xX_xNVIDIAx_Xx used tnt cannon at spawn. Here's an image of him using it. Thanks.