So excited to start university!!! the 5th couldn't come any sooner eekk move in day!!
I'm doing good thanks :P Had an operation on my mouth (impacted canine) on Thursday so a bit sore haha but otherwise fine :3 how have you been?
Not been unknown for a long while. Just a name.. Far better than ones I would have used when I was younger such as LozzaWozza.... so no complaints...
Thanks :P
Ah that sounds good! Wish I could do that haha.. And no not much, I have to have an operation and get some braces but other than that I'm going to...
I've been doing alright, just really busy :P done 7 out of my 8 exams so after Tuesday I will have A LOT of free time :) you?
Thank you! I will do that :)
I'm sorry I missed your birthday :c anyhow... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! <3
Anyone want to lend me all of their motivation please... I seem to lack my own :c
Yarsh :P
How about we plan for tomorrow? Any time in particular? :3
I'd like that c: let me know a good time for you and I can try and pop on over the next week (its a week holiday for me starting monday *yay*)...
:o Woah congratulations!! That is amazing! Its good to hear its all going good for you, I've missed our conversations :P I'm proud of you ;)
You? c:
Not really, pretty boring at the moment haha :P Just stuck doing constant coursework and revision ;-;
Meh... you?
Thank you c: so is yours :3 <3
Happy Birthday c:
Can relate ;-; Completely agree :P