My Ign: Hombrecito567 Electric_Blast Said go"f"Urself to me. (Death Threats)
My ign: Hombrecito567 YoungAndDumb Was hacking with fastplace and i recorded him... he also said he had 3 alts and i think you might want to also...
IAmori. Ill Be Recording Myself
My ign: Hombrecito567 thethingwastaken was hacking!!! she was using anti knockback which is hacking... She claims to have been using minechat .....
Ideas below please
Hello My firends, i am doing a deal on GTA for a Gunpowder(gp) ! I want to buy a gunpowder , it is a donor weapon!! I want to Know if its worth...
Oh my God. Thank You Guys! it finally started working ... i reset all my MC files :(! But it was Worth It :D ty Guys ! Really Apreciate the help...
I tried that so many times already Not working,. One thing. I was near the border and - thethingwastaken - was near me and was fastplacing with...
You cant buy a Free GTA go to spawn pass :/ Still crashing today
HELP! its still not working! Staff?!?!? any suggestions?
Im Hombrecito567 and in gta i got about a few blocks from the mine and , BOOM! Crashed. Its still happening , it has been for 2 hours.... I...
Sory i lagged
My ign: Hombrecito567 Reporting: MetaCrazy Reason: Hacking With fastplace.. I was in a 1v1 with MetaCrazy. i was holding my riot shielding and he...
Hi My Ingame Name Is Hombrecito567 And i recorded ZOOM_DUR Hacking with fastplace . He also said "go kill yah self". Video-->[MEDIA]...
Not on for me :(
Support. Great Work!
Support. :D
Yep cant log on..