it's just too bad for u cuz they spend alot of money on this game!
no support! sry good luck :)
omg so perfect support 100% god damn perfect! SUPPORT (ZombieZoC)
I am banned on KitPvP :(
Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots. 1. ZombieZoC 2....
close now then cuz I have no proof sry guys
But everyone know that he DDoS people
Is IT just because u are team with him?
This is just a warning!
My IGN: ZombieZoC His IGN: YoShadow What rule is he breaking: he DDoS people exemple he have DDoS me for like 5 Times and he have DDoS My friends...
thank u popperZ