Impact Recruitment Welcome to Impacts clan application Rules/Requirements: ✦Don't have a agressive language towards other Impact members if it...
I have memory loss :lol:
Sando has many small mooscles
Quertiss has big mooscles
Youtuber has big mooscles
Janice has big mooscles
Abbie has big mooscles
Acceptation has big mooscles
Bring it back or i will FRICK u up
rEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HoW dArE u TaLk TRASh about Scandinavian genes like that?!
Omg step sis this is so wrong.
sando isnt hot :(
youtuber is hot
abbie is hot
Quertiss is hot
AtomBow is hot
CodBucket is hot
giv rank men or i hitmen u (JOKE i'm many retard)
Support, this app is epic.