Ok I wanna 1v1 the owner
So I say tht Laby Mod should be allowed because if a server is 1.8, u can simply just download Laby Mod if you want to do 1.7 things
Laby Mod is a Mod tht allows you to do 1.7 stuff when your still in 1.8
Btw, Im a Elite and I get Sharp II Diamond Sword
LOL how long did it take to do all this?
41/50 -
LOL I feel so bad
Btw u need 2 more messages
I dont think ur lvls save in Infection
Just Do It!
I support too
Good luck
Welcome! My name is TitaniumOfficial Find me on KitPvP :) Btw, my cousins live in Delware :) I live in NY <3
KitPvP needs a reset tho
LOl every1 is saying Thanks
Thanks Bro I <3 it
try to find tht on Skindex
A lot of people do
Idk, it might get too confusing and also might cause lag