Support <3 cause u made a great application and i think that you deserve to get mod cause u have been patient for like 2 years on mineverse to be...
Hi, CypriotMerks or Noobcrew, if u are seeing this, please help. pleasee So recently ive been on about a problem on Skyblock. I really think...
yeah, ive noticed that like the top voters only have like 9 votes
what do u mean?
Hi guys, :) Yesterday i was voting and it didnt work again XD Well its not much of a problem but i was just saying this so the staff can fix the...
Oh YAY im finally a member instead of new member YEAHHHHHH ^.^
Yup Yup
MAH MILKSHAKE BRINGS ALL THE STEVES TO DA YARD u said u have been playing on mineverse for 2 years. And u only created this account today, and u immediately want to become...
Love the profile pic XD What do u think of mine XDXDXDXDXDXD Oink Oink
I agree, ive been to creative before and WOW they talk about so much crap :s:s Have u sent this so the mods? or noobcrew or cypriotperks?
WHY LEAVE MINEVERSE IS AWESOME (Not hatin, just statin)
ok then i dont even know what u guys are talking about, lol, is it factions?
Ummm......idk XD
Lol blame the cyclone
Nice profile pic XD
Yeah thanks for agreeing with me :)