dwajhwll your a titan? I need to catch up on news xD
can a mod close and delete this thread
I mean a lot of donors not like two
im not idc about rank there mean towards everyone because they think there better
I will make you suffer.... donors
never gonna be friends with a donor again a donater
Played infection today got hated by like 100 donors because one was saying get out of my spot and I was like this spot is for everyone :D what a...
augh no one takes me serious anymore cause of a pic lol
I feel like quiting mc and everything feels like its slipping from plain site............. What has happened to me? I don't know if you see me...
rick roll lol its a good song DONT JUDGE ME hehe
everyone has a pic beside me I don't like pics so DONT ASK ME TO GET ONE THIS MEANS U PARKOUR & CYP & AND MINE HAHAHAHAHA @MrParkourGuy
support nub
that's violateing my property that's a nono
nuuu #nopics2014
as you know it it is I trile63 :D many people like MPG try to make me get a pic well,.......... hes me I am 11 use to RAGE a lot *don't ask why*...
Hai Cam welcome to the fourms
Banned for having a pic #nopics2014
banned for having a weird pick ._.